Bridging the generational gap one letter at a time!
If you would like to participate in the 2024/25 school year, you can sign up here.
Our office is closed from June 28- August 26, so you will be confirmed when we return in August and you will be matched and have all information and material sent to you in late September or October.
There are a few rules…
Must be 55 years or older OR teach elementary school kids AND live in the Lloydminster area (within 2 hours of Lloydminster)
We ask everyone who signs up commits to writing one letter per month from November to April.
If you fit that criteria, you’re in!
Share some laughs and memories with a different generation. Share your own thoughts and ideas. Connect with someone new.
Join our 2024-2025 Pen Pal Program.
Each Senior is matched with a whole Elementary School Classroom. We provide you with all the note cards, envelopes and stamps you need to write back and forth for the school year.
**** You must be a senior citizen or an elementary school teacher to participate. Please do not sign up if you do not qualify. Our resources to fund this program are for those specific groups. *****
Who doesn’t enjoy getting a letter in the mail?
Let’s foster a connection while bringing our wisest and newest generations together to brighten each other’s day!
We’ll supply the postage and the cards, all you need to do is write!