Women’s Multilevel Conversation Classes: 

WEDNESDAYS, March 26 to May 28, 2025.
1:00pm to 3:30pm
Located at LLCA and the Lloydminster Public Library. You will be given more details during the first class.

In a less formal, more relaxed atmosphere, this program is designed for women to make friends, integrate into Lloydminster by learning about the programs and services, and learn key phrases and terms to help them in Canada. This years program theme is food, culture and books!

The focus is on every-day, conversational English: listening and speaking. The goal is for the women to meet other newcomers, socialize, and gain valuable skills to help them navigate their new home.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:
LLCA reserves the right to cancel the workshop if registration is low. We will contact registrants if this occurs.
Refunds will be issued if a program is cancelled. Refunds will not be made after registration. Registration may be transferable to another person. Refunds may be made in the event of a personal emergency. Requests must be made in writing. $20 charge on all NSF cheques.

Women’s 2024

Women’s ELL is funded by the Government of Alberta.