To coordinate, encourage, and promote life long learning within the community of Lloydminster
LLCA Vision
To inspire a thirst for lifelong learning!
LLCA Core Values
Authenticity, Respect, Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, Responsibility, Accountability, Kindness, Courage, Compassion, Gratitude, Transparency, Diversity, and Innovation.
The LLCA believes that people need opportunities for lifelong learning in order to enhance the quality of life. Continuous learning is an instrument for the fulfilment of an entire life. Learning, working, and leisure should be intertwined. Access to lifelong learning is necessary to enable people to better understand and cope with changing social and economic conditions. Each organization and community is most suited to creating meaningful program experiences and of having authority and responsibility over these experiences. Effective cooperation and coordination of such experiences will allow for maximum involvement of adults and utilization of resources. The LLCA will strive to create learning opportunities to fulfill the needs of regional residents.
- To offer a coordinated, comprehensive program of part-time, non-credit educational experiences for local residents
- To identify educational needs within the city of Lloydminster and the surrounding area
- To identify available community and provincial resources which would be useful to the Council in fulfilling its mandate
- To encourage inter-agency cooperation and coordination in lifelong learning programming
- To promote a positive image of the LLCA in the community
- To approve courses and special projects for funding based on provincial guidelines and locally established criteria
- To develop a public strategy which will enhance the image of the LLCA in the community and promote awareness of the programs available to learners
- To develop and review policies and procedures which will support the activities of the LLCA
- To establish ad hoc committees as necessary to deal with specific concerns